We are thinkers with well-grounded reasons to believe that faith and reason are friends rather than opponents. We emphasize on the importance of questions and dialogues as truth invites and withstands testing.

We make every effort to help people discover that sound reason and scientific research consistently affirm the truth of the Bible and of the Good News it reveals.

We serve the thinkers and seekers. We seek to EXPLORE, ENGAGE, EXAMINE and EQUIP those who are on a journey to discover and authenticate the truth.

"But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect"..1 Peter 3:15 (NASB)

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Keep up with the latest happenings.

The Resurrection of Christ : A medical perspective
The Crucifixion of Christ : A medical perspective
A medical doctor examines the death and resurrection of Christ
Rescuing Inerrancy : A scientific defense
Is diversity our strength?
The making of an Apologist
Designed to the core
Why should we care for the Environment?
The Resurrection of Christ and its Significance..

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Reasons to Believe has helped hundreds of thousands of people reconcile their faith and science. Join us in the mission of Reasons to Believe by thoughtfully supporting the work of our scholars and the organization.

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