What they say ?

Dr. Kethoser Aniu Kevichusa, India

There are rigorous apologetics ministries, and then there is Reasons to Believe APAC. The opening of Reasons to Believe APAC is one of the most welcome news for Christian apologetics in the Asia-Pacific region. This will surely raise the intellectual respectability and representation of the Christian faith in one of the most populated but least Christian-represented regions of the world.
I welcome them heartily,support them unreservedly and sincerely wish them well.

Dr. Stuart Mcallister, US

It is my distinct privelege to commend Dr. Balajied and the team. I have known these men for many year and this organization is one I deeply admire. Hugh and Kathy Ross and their team are terrific scholars. They are serious about truth and evidence and are committed to model the interaction between science and faith.
I cannot think of better representatives for this work in Asia than the ones presented here.

Ms. I'Ching Thomas, Singapore

I am confident that Reasons to Believe APAC will make a big impact for Christ in the area of integration of faith and science and Christian apologetics and outreach. Questions of origins are universal, but they may be asked differently in the Asian context. Hence with the formal establishment of RTB | APAC, these question can be engaged with in a way that is biblically faithful, scientifically testable, and culturally relevant.
I wish them God's best in this exciting new development of ministry.

Dr. Prosperly B.Lyngdoh, US

Presently, there is a pressing need to have meaningful engagement on issues pertaining to the Christian faith, worldview, and especially on maters of faith and science. In other words, Christian apologetics is the way forward. Balajied Nongrum is a Christian apologist who is based in India, and I have known him for close to three decades. He firmly believes that apologetics is for everyone.

He has a clear vision for the development of an Apologetics Training Program in India and has great hopes for its success.

Dr. Andy Bannister, UK

Many of the question of the day concern faith and science - and I know of no Christian ministry better equipped than Reasons to Believe to answer such questions. I have known many among the RTB team for years and have been hugely impressed by their commitment to doing hard work to "give a reason for the hope we have".
I urge Indian Christians and others across the region to get behind what RTB are doing, to support and encourage Dr. Balajied Nongrum and the team, and above all to make use of the excellent resources they have created for sharing our faith In Christ in an age of Skeptism.

Benny Prasad, India

Reasons to Believe is an amazing organization, a need of the hour to help us get equipped in answering the questions that people are asking. Many times, young people are asking ‘Is the Bible still relevant for this modern-day world?’ and there are many confusions between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament.
There are challenging times where we are not able to answer the questions our friends and colleagues are asking and hence, we shun ourselves in sharing the gospel. I know personally Balajied he comes and speaks in our Apologetics DTS. He’s brilliant in helping us understand the different worldviews, how to have conversations with people, how to make people think and question and how do we answer?.
Reasons to believe is one such organization that can help people get equipped that they can be the answer the world is searching for.

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