Upcoming Programme(s)

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August 22nd, 2024 08:30 PM IST
Topic : Human Exceptionalism
- Dr. Fazale Rana


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July 11th, 2024 08:30 PM IST
Topic : Rescuing Inerrancy
- Dr. Hugh Ross
Zoom : Meeting ID : 81604360012 Passcode : 754675

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Reasons Academy 2024 @ New Delhi
Early bird discounts ends on 15th August 2024
Application form :   click here

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June 27th, 2024 07:00 PM IST
Topic : Creation and Evolution
Zoom : Meeting ID : 87112282496 Passcode : 770507

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Jun 13th, 2024 08:30 PM IST
Topic : Origin of Life - Dr. Brian Miller
Zoom Meeting Link :   click here

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17th May 2024 @ 7:30 PM IST

Zoom | Online event
Topic : "God and Galileo"
- Prof. David Block, Astronomer

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The crucifixion of Jesus : A medical doctor examines the death & resurrection of Christ
with Dr. Joseph Bergeron, MD
Zoom(Online)    25 March, 2024 7:30 PM IST

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21st to 26th October 2023

Reasons Academy 2023 @ Hyderabad
Early bird discounts end on 20th August 2023
Registration link - https://forms.gle/8kirxi1iivsZd3ZdA

  Download/View details

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4th April to 27th June

School of Christian Apologetics (SCA)
RTB|APAC School of Christian Apologetics is a three-month program designed to equip followers of Christ with skills to engage and share their faith responsibly.

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6th May 2023

School of Christian Apologetics | Weekend sessions
Topics :–
1. "Truth, tolerance and pluralism"
2. "The matrix of human sexuality"
3. "Why Pro-Life?"

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13th May 2023

Mother’s Day Celebration
Topic : "He knows a mother’s heart"
and guest - Baidya Bhatra and Aaron Baidya Bhatra

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26th May 2023

Hyderabad Chapter | Special online event
Topic : "The Historical Adam"
- Dr. Fazale Rana, President and CEO, RTB

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23rd June 2023

Bengaluru Chapter | Special online event
Topic : "Designed to the core"
- Dr. Hugh Ross, Founder & Senior Scholar, RTB

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14th August 2023

Pre-Independence Day Celebration
Topic : "Is Diversity our strength?"
- Rev. Dr. Richard Howell (Principal, Caleb institute, Delhi) and Mr. Barkos Warjri (Former Chief Secy, GOM)

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25th August 2023 at 8:30 PM IST

Zoom | Online Event
Topic : "What about the multiverse?"
- Dr. Jeff Zweerink, Astrophysicist & Researcher, RTB.

Typically replies within an hour

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